
Thank you for visiting our blog. We hope that you will enjoy it as much as we enjoy working with your children.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2012

May 2012
The countdown has started!  Our concert is just two weeks away and I’m starting to get my nervous twitch.  (that’s actually a good sign)  I’m excited for you to see what we’ve been up to.
A few things to consider:
All costumes should now be complete.  If you are missing a piece to your costume PLEASE bring it to my attention ASAP.  Remember that jazz pants will be long and will need to be hemmed.  Please make sure to keep your costumes looking nice and clean.  We will be using them again in the fall! 
HELPFUL NOTE!!!  It has come to my attention that the little girls costumes should be taken to a cleaners if they need to be cleaned! 
The red will bleed onto the white.
Our practice performance will be held at the Bridge assisted living center.  We will sing several, but not all of our songs.  We will not do speaking parts or use props.  Please prepare your kids.  The area that we have to sing is not huge, but the grandmas and grandpas LOVE us.  We will wear our costumes when we sing for them.  It’s fun and the kids look so stinkin’ cute in them.
When we perform please have your childs hair pulled away from their face.  They have the cutest facial expressions and I want you to be able to get the full effect.  Make sure that their bow or flower is securely fastened and won’t fall out during our performance.  They are just for décor.  The hair should be held in place with an elastic and hair spray (I know they all hate it, but it helps with fly aways).
The stage lights are bright and harsh on little faces.  A small amount of make-up goes a long way.  Some mascara, blush, and lipstick will make a huge difference. (Even for the boys =)
I am going to create an e-vite for our concert.  I will send it to all of you.  If you don’t receive it, please shoot me an e-mail and I will add you to the list (there are a few of you that I still don’t have an e-mail address for.)  Please feel free to add anyone to the e-vite that you would like to.  Admission to the concert is free.  It is a fun night for kids of all ages so invite away.
We will wear jean shorts and a TaVaci T-shirt.  If you don’t have a TaVaci T-shirt, please wear a red, white, or blue T-shirt or a patriotic T-shirt.  Don’t wear your costume.  IT”S TOO HOT!!!
May 3- Tuition Due
May 9- Performance- Bridge Assisted Living Center
220 Collins Industrial Way
 Lawrenceville, GA 30043
(678) 377-8191
-          6:00- arrive
-          6:30-7:00- perform
May 10- Last Regular Class
May 18- Blocking Rehearsal- Collins Hill High
-          6:00-7:00 (everyone)
-6:00-7:30 (Harmonics)
I’ll try to be prompt, but the Harmonics do have some difficult staging.
May 19- Dress Rehearsal
- 9:30-11:30 (full costume no hair or make-up)
May 19- TaVaci School of Performing Arts
 Presents:  This is Our Moment
6:30- kids  arrive ready to go
7:00- 8:00This is Our Moment
 May 23- Last day of School
May 28- Memorial Day Parade
            Hebron Baptist Church Parking Lot
9:30-  Arrive
10:00-  Parade starts
Parade ends at the same place.  Enjoy the parade and then come back to the parking lot to collect your kiddos.
2012-2013 Registration:
Please notice the registration form attatched to this newsletter.  Please go ahead and let me know that I can plan on your kids for next fall.  The registration fee is usually $20, but if you get it to me before the concert I will take it to $10/family.  I’m thinking that I would like to divide my Tiny Tune class.  This would mean that I would have a 4:30 and a 5:”30 Tiny Tune class.  On the registration form, let me know which class time works best for your family.
I really hope that we will have every one of our friends back with us in August.  Now is a great time to tell your friends about TaVaci.  Invite them to the concert and let them come along this fall.
The best advertisement I have is you.  Thank you for telling your friends about us and what we love doing.
If you have ANY questions please feel free to
Call:  770-237-0647  or
Cell:  770-480-4491
I really want this to be a fun experience for our kids.  So, no stress.  We’ve prepared them well.  They know their stuff.  They are cuter than is allowed by law.  And, we love them.  So, let’s let them show us what they’ve got.  And trust me, they have got a lot.
Thank you for sharing you’re your little ones with us.  We think they are incredible.
Have a Great Summer!