
Thank you for visiting our blog. We hope that you will enjoy it as much as we enjoy working with your children.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


November/December News

OK friends, if you don’t read any other newsletter, READ THIS ONE!!!

1-  We love your kids:  They are fantastic.  We have learned pretty much All our material.  Now it’s time to clean.  They are AWESOME.  I’m getting excited for you to see what we've been up to.

2-  CD’s:  Listen, Listen, Listen!  The more they practice, the more comfortable they will feel at concert time.

3-  Costumes: Ordered and on their way.

Tiny Tune Girls
White footless tights (opaque)
-Target or Walmart
Black ballet slippers

Harmonic Tune girls
Black socks
Black jazz shoes

All Boys
Black slacks
Black socks
Black shoes

4-  Solos and Speaking parts: coming home today or next week.  Please practice them with your child so that they can deliver their part with confidence.  We will work on them in class as well.  But, they need to be memorized at home.

5-  How much does it cost to come to the concert?  Admission to the concert is…FREE!!!  Invite all your friends and family, teachers and classmates.  Our concert is a great way for everyone to kick off the holiday season.  If you’ve got a friend that is interested in joining us in January, the concert is the BEST place to show them what we are all about.

6- Times and Places:  Please REALLY look at the calendar.  There are times and addresses for all of our performances and practices.

7-  Calendar
November 6- tuition/performance fee due

November 27- NO TAVACI (Happy Thanksgiving)

December 3- Performance at a nursing home 

230 Collins Industrial Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
6:00- meet
6:30- sing
we will be done by 7:00

PLEASE TRY TO BE ON TIME.  These grandmas and grandpas LOVE our kids and get impatient for us to sing.  So, we will start right at 6:30 if not a few minutes earlier.  Be there at 6:00.  After we sing, the grandmas and grandpas love to talk to our kids.  Some kids like it, some get nervous.  You are in charge of your kids.  If you want to encourage them to make friends, do it.  If you don’t have time, or they're too shy,  don't do it.

December 4- Tuition Due/last regular practice

December 12- Blocking Rehearsal

Collins Hill High School
50 Taylor Rd, Suwanee, GA 30024

          6:00 PM-Full TaVaci group
This rehearsal is not optional.  It’s the time for us to show the kids where to sit.  How to get on/off the stage.  Where to stand for speaking parts and solos.  We are practicing logistics.  
It’s especially important for kids.  The new space is exciting and they need to be able to get to know it and feel comfortable in it.  On Friday night we always wonder if they’ve forgotten everything we've taught them.  It’s just because their so excited and need to get acquainted with the new space.
Dec. 13- Dress Rehearsal
          9:30 -11:00 AM  FULL COSTUME
-Collins Hill High
We will run the entire show top to bottom with as few stops as possible.  This is a closed rehearsal.  Meaning, you can have and hour and a half to yourself.  This is where we work out any kinks with the sound, light, props ect.  It’s an intense rehearsal (for the directors) so we really ask to have the theater clear so we can work with the tech crew.

Plus, we want to keep the show a surprise for…
Dec. 13- CONCERT!!!
          -Collins Hill High
6:00- Kids arrive dressed pressed and happy
6:30- TaVaci School of Performing Arts Proudly Presents:
Christmas Soul
When you bring your child into the school for the concert, please stop by the restroom and encourage them to go. Little tummies get butterflies and they almost every time will need to go. Make sure their hair is pulled away from their face so that we can see their beautiful eyes and smiles. The stage lights are harsh. A little mascara, blush, and lipstick help define facial features on stage. It does not have to be over the top. Just a little to help outline their natural features.
If you have them change from their outside shoes to their ballets or jazz shoes , please hold their regular shoe at YOUR seat. That goes for coats and jackets as well. They will be up and down the whole concert and we don’t want them tripping over anything that we can prevent.
The seating in the theater is first come first serve. There will plenty of room for everyone. Just a hint, the best seats are about half way back. That is where the speakers are.
Santa or Mrs. Claus have not missed a TaVaci Christmas concert yet! Not sure which one will come this year, but they are planning to attend. So, put on your holiday best and come visit with Santa or Mrs. Claus. He/She will be taking last minute requests, as long as you’ve had a good year, that is.

8-  This has been a long newsletter!  If you made it all the way through with no questions, congratulations.

If you do have questions, please e-mail me:  betsyga@bellsouth.net