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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November News

I’m thankful for: electricity, indoor plumbing, my family, your kids and music. This is a big month at TaVaci so read the calendar closely to make sure you don’t miss anything.
All costumes have been ordered! As soon as they come in I will send them home with your child. They get SO excited about their costumes, but please don’t let them play in them. We want them to look nice and new when we get on the stage.
Remember that you are responsible for part of your childs costume.
Boys need: black dress slacks, black dress socks, & black dress shoes.
Tiny Tune girls need: black ballet shoes, white footless opaque tights (Justice brand are really nice and thick, Walmart has some as well. As long as their opaque and not shiny I’m good)
Harmonic Tune girls need: black socks, & black jazz shoes
You will notice the prop fee has been added to your statement this month. All of my kids will be getting a red shiny Santa hat ($5). My Harmonic Tunes will be getting Maracas ($5), and a book ($2) in addition to the Santa hat. So, the Tiny’s prop fee is $5, and the Harmonic’s prop fee is $12.
Performance Fee:
Also added to this month’s tuition is the performance fee. This money helps me rent the theater and hire a sound and light crew for the concert.
Solos/Speaking Parts/Specialties:
Last week we held try-outs for solos. Every one of my friends were fantastic. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of solos in each concert. Having said that, each child will have a special part whether it is a solo, specialty or speaking part. I hope that everyone is pleased with the parts that they get.
Speaking Parts:
If your child received a speaking part, please help them memorize it. Most of the parts are a joke. If your child doesn’t “get it”, explain it to them. It’s easier to tell a joke if you understand why it’s funny. Practice saying the part with expression and enthusiasm. Have your child stand in front of the mirror and say their part. They’re ALWAYS more expressive when they can see what they look like. Plus it’s funny to stand back and watch the silly things they do in front of a mirror. Grab your video camera and let it roll.
Boys Specialty:
Thank you to all of the dads and brothers that volunteered to help us out with this song. I neglected to assign the female actresses that I need for this number. They will be all of my 3rd grade girls as well as a few additional surprise actresses that you may recognize. I may need some help collecting props for my actresses. I’ll let you know specifics as soon as I can. All of my actresses need to plan on attending the specialty rehearsals. Dads and brothers should just learn the music at home. We will ask everyone to be to the last class rehearsal, Dec. 8th, as well as the dress rehearsal. Again, thank you so much for your help.
Video Slide Show:

Our Christmas concert includes a slide show. Every year I fight with myself about how to make it fun for the kids to watch. This year I want to do a video slide show. I want each of the kids to tell me about a funny thing they asked Santa for or something weird that he gave them OR their favorite TaVaci or caroling memory OR a light the lights, decorating type of memory or tradition. Their stories or memories should be short 10 sec or so. I will bring my video camera to class next week! So, help your child practice telling about their memory. I will be cute.

Calendar of Events:
Nov. 3- tuition/prop/performance fee due
Speaking parts go home
Specialty rehearsals begin
Tinys- 5:15-5:30
Monks- 6:15-6:30
Boys- 7:15-7:30Nov.24- No TaVaci- Thanksgiving Dec. 1- tuition dueDec. 3- Breakfast with Santa (Harbins Elementary) OR Grayson Ward Christmas Party Times TBA
Dec. 7 Performance at The Bridge Assisted Living Center6:00- arrive6:30-7:00- perform
Dec. 8- Last regular classDec. 16- Blocking rehearsal- Collins Hill High School
6:00-7:00 (everyone)
6:00-7:30 (Harmonics)
Dec. 17- Dress Rehearsal- CHHS
10:00-11:30 (full costume no hair or make-up)
Dec. 17- TaVaci School of Performing Arts Presents:Comin’ Up Christmas Time
6:30- kids arrive ready to go
7:00- 8:00- Comin’Up Christmas TimeCollins Hill High School

I was trying to be so on top of my ball game last week. I went over to the studio and set everything up. Being such a smarty, I forgot my account book at the studio. So, I was unable to send home statements last week. SORRY. So, if you need to wait until next Thursday to pay your tuition, it's all good.


Tiny Tunes: sing to me the 2nd verse of "Hoofin' It": Come of reindeer......

Harmonic Tunes: sing to me the 1st verse of "Comin' Up Christmas Time"

any student that can complete me challenge next week (Nov. 10) will recieve a special treat.

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